Christians marginalised in Lebanon crisis

At an upmarket jeweller's in east Beirut's Ashrafieh district, wealthy Lebanese Christians shop for gold and diamonds, far removed from the upheaval that has sidelined their once-dominant community.

Last week's fighting, in which at least 81 people were killed, pitted the opposition Shi'ite Muslim group Hezbollah against pro-government Sunni Muslim and Druze factions. But no major Christian group took part in the fighting or played a role in ending the violence.

"Times change. Once we ruled militarily, and now it is Hezbollah," said 80-year-old George Aoun.

Unlike the rest of the Arab World, Christians have traditionally been leading players in Lebanon. At an estimated one-third of the population, they far outweigh the proportion of Christians in any other Arab country.

But the Christians became divided over loyalties to rival leaders, leaving them marginalised during the latest crisis. Lebanese political scientist As'ad Abu Khalil said the community now had "no significant role" in Lebanese politics.

The presidency, a post reserved for them under Lebanon's sectarian political system, has been vacant since November, depriving them of a platform to exercise influence, Christian politicians say.

Members of the community, which is still dominant in business and finance, hope that shunning violence during the latest upheaval will preserve the Christians of Lebanon in the long run.

"The Christians will keep thriving by adopting non-violence. Hezbollah has been exposed as a force ready to kill fellow Lebanese. Why doesn't it wait for elections if it wants more power?" said Selim Mouzannar in his Ashrafieh jewellery shop.

Aoun, who lost 11 members of his family during an attack by Palestinian guerrillas on the town of Damur south of Beirut during the 15-year civil war, said the latest violence would drive more Christians to leave Lebanon.

"If I was younger I would emigrate myself. Hezbollah has the numerical superiority and the Christians are too divided. But the Christians can still advance by not making an enemy of the Shi'ites," said Aoun, who owns a restaurant in Ashrafieh.

During the civil war, Christian Maronites were at one stage allied to Syria, but then switched allegiance to Israel. When the war ended in 1990, Christians emerged with diminished political powers.

Inter-communal divisions deepened after former army commander Michel Aoun allied with Hezbollah in 2006 in opposition to the governing coalition which is composed of Druze, Sunni and Christian politicians, with a few Shi'ites.

In the Christian Gemaizeh district, life returned largely to normal on Thursday.

"Lebanon is the Gate of the East because of its Christians, but it is time to realise Shi'ite ascendancy. They have the numerical superiority," said Francois Bassil, owner of Le Chef restaurant.

"We better not repeat mistakes of the civil war and ally with foreign powers," he said. "By the time foreign help comes we will be under the knife."