Christians rejoice as councillors reject lap-dancing venue

Christians are celebrating after Macclesfield Council last week rejected an application for full lap-dancing at a nightclub in the heart of the town centre.

The Council had faced intense pressure from local churches, businesses and residents, who warned that the area around the Repent Nightclub would become a no-go area for female residents and children if the application was approved.

“We are thrilled councillors have listened to the views of local people in this matter and refused the application which would have turned Mill Street into a seedy place where women would be demeaned and Macclesfield would have developed a reputation of a place where women are degraded,” said Dr Louise Brown of Macclesfield, a policy consultant for the Christian Legal Centre.

“The public safety of women who live or work in the town centre who would be left feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable walking by Repent Nightclub, Mill Street was a primary issue raised.

“The councillors are to be congratulated for standing up for the good interests of the majority of the town, despite the requests of people who simply want to make money out of degrading women.”

The Council rejected Repent Nightclub’s application in the interests of public safety, order and the protection of children.

Andrea Minichiello-Williams, founder and director of the Christian Legal Centre added: “What this case shows is that when Christians work together professionally with other members of the community and put together coherent arguments, it is possible to stop this sort of development using existing law.

“The Councillors of Cheshire East are to be congratulated and I hope other Councils will now follow their lead.”