Christians Show Compassion in Providing Aid in Sri Lanka

Christians in Sri Lanka have shown their grace and compassion in helping to impact tsunami-hit areas in south Asia, despite facing great opposition from the Buddhist majority in the region.

Since the devastating tsunami hit Sri Lanka on 26th December 2004, Christians have been given the opportunity to provide aid and help victims.

The wife of the pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ambalagoda, south Sri Lanka, told how "after the tsunami, God changed everything."

Prior to the destruction of the area, neighbours used to view the church in a very suspicious way, and many even persecuted the members that went to the church. However, now it is them that are being given aid by those whom they hated before – and many families have now begun to attend the church.

Huge testimony has engulfed the Christians in the area, as people have seen their compassion to serve and help those that persecuted them just months before. A community Buddhist leader, who had previously threatened the church leader to stop the gospel being preached, reportedly entered the church in tears and asking how he could help aid the efforts.

The tale of love becomes even more apparent after knowing that the two church leaders’ home and church were demolished by the explosive tsunami. One said, "Neighbours are beginning to come to us to ask us for prayer and advice with family problems."

In addition, prior to the tsunami, the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), which is a coalition of evangelical Christian bodies in the country came to offer strength and support for the persecuted church.

The NCEASL General Secretary said, "People know that we are a Christian organisation. But we believe it would be unethical to exploit the disaster and use relief as bait to get people into the churches."

Christian Life Missions (CLM), a non-profit organisation, has joined with NCEASL to support the needy people of Sri Lanka. CLM has helped organise church collections and donations of funds for the devastated country.