Christians to Join Torch-Lit Rally Against Sexual Orientation Regulations

Christian lawyers from across the country are set to rally outside parliament next Tuesday in a show of opposition to the Sexual Orientation Regulations as they come up for debate in House of Lords.

The rally has been organised by the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship, a vocal opponent of the regulations, which they warn could serious curtail the freedom of Christians to live according to the Bible.

The LCF is asking thousands of Christian lawyers to petition the Queen to request that the government re-thinks the regulations "affecting the whole of the United Kingdom and thereby uphold her coronation pledge which stated that she would 'to the utmost of [her] power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the gospel'".

Almost a year ago exactly, thousands of Christians demonstrated formidable unity when they rallied against the Religious Hatred Bill outside parliament, before it was defeated by a single vote. The LCF is hoping for the same turnout at the torch-lit protest and the same success this year.