Christians to Pray and March Against Climate Change

Christians will join to say prayers for the planet as part of Christians against Climate Change on Saturday 3 December.

|PIC1|The Christian Ecology Link will hold a special ecumenical service in London in partnership with the faith working group of the Campaign against Climate Change and hosted by Hinde Street Methodist Church.

The service is a time for reflection on climate issues, song and for the offering of prayers for the planet.

The special service will be led by the Christian Ecology Link, with speakers Laura Brooks, of Tearfund, and Laurie Michaelis for the Quaker Living Witness Project.

Participants to the event are invited to dress in bright colours to show their love and commitment to the preservation of the earth and are urged to travel to the event by foot, bicycle or public transport.

The special service coincides with the Climate March, London, Saturday 3 December, which Christian Ecology Link will also be participating in.

|TOP|December 3 is the Saturday midway through the first MOP (Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol) Climate Talks in Montreal, from 28 November to 9 December.

The London demo is part of the International Day of Climate Protest with climate demos planned all around the world, with a demo also planned for Edinburgh.

The London march will start from Lincoln’s Inn Fields at 12pm and end at the US embassy where demonstrators will hear speeches from numerous speakers including George Monbiot, Michael Meacher MP, Norman Baker MP, Environment Secretary for the Liberal Democratics, Caroline Lucas MEP with the Green Party, and Fazlun Khalid, Director of the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and the Environmental Sciences.

The Edinburgh demonstration will see thousands of protestors march around the Mound down the Royal Mile to the Scottish Parliament, with speakers including Duncan McLaren, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Mark Ballard MSP Green Party, Mark Lazarowicz Labour MP, introducing the Climate Change and sustainable energy bill at Westminster.

The Scottish demo aims to pressure for a strong follow up to Kyoto, highlight Tony Blair’s current withdrawal from reduced carbon emission targets, and raise public awareness of the issue of climate change.