Christians unite to pray for parliament and government

Christians from across the nation will join together to pray in and around Westminster, as part of the Week of Prayer for Parliament and Whitehall from 6 to 11 May 2008.

Daily prayer walks and other activities will provide the unique opportunity to pray for Westminster and Whitehall. Many churches around the UK and across the world will be praying through the nights to ensure 24/7 prayer coverage for their leaders and representatives in Government.

This annual event, organised by Christians in Parliament, Christians in Government and 24/7 prayer, has the support of MPs and peers from each of the major political parties. Christians are warmly invited to get involved regardless of personal political viewpoints.

Lib Dem MP Tim Farron said: "When you tell non-Christians that they are being prayed for, it is an immense act of witness - especially if those non-Christians are MPs.

"The Week of Prayer for Parliament will give Christians the opportunity to pray for Christians and non-Christians in Government and in Parliament."

This year's week of prayer is the fifth of its kind and organisers expect it will attract the largest number of willing prayers yet. An unprecedented number of prayer gatherings will be taking place across Parliament and Whitehall departments and a host of other events and activities will be organised including worship services and lunches.

The week will culminate in the Global Day of Prayer 2008 on Sunday 11 May at Millwall FC stadium. It is also linked with the Pentecost Festival, which runs at venues along the length of the Northern Line over the Pentecost weekend.

The Scripture selected as a focus is Matthew 6:10, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Dave Landrum, Executive Administrator for Christians in Parliament said: "We are praying, as Jesus taught us, for God's Kingdom to come and that His will be done among our leaders, members of Parliament, in our country and in our world."

Labour MP Andy Reed said: "Christians are called to serve and lead in politics and Government - prayer is where we start."

Conservative MP Andrew Selous said, "Christians in Parliament are hugely grateful for the prayers of Christians across the country. Thank you for this support which we appreciate so much."

For all event details and for more information on how individuals and churches can be involved, visit or email