'Christmas Gift' proud to be a 'Christmas'— not 'holiday'—movie, clarifies producer

Kevin Sorbo stars as a philanthropic hockey player in the Christmas film called 'Christmas Gift.'(Wikipedia)

There is a huge difference between the words "Christmas" and "holiday," and this is why producer Frank DeMartini wants to clarify that his latest film "Christmas Gift" is more the former than the latter.

"This is not a holiday movie," he told The Hollywood Reporter. "It's a Christmas movie."

"Christmas Gift" is being funded through the crowdsourcing website Indiegogo, and that is why the producers and stars have a free rein on how they want the movie to look like and not be afraid of offending atheists and those from other religions.

The movie features Kevin Sorbo, star of the 1990s series "Hercules" who also worked in another film called "God's Not Dead." Other stars of the film include Dan Martin and Ella Joyce. Isaac Florentine is the director while Chris Widener and Mark Joseph are the executive producers.

In "Christmas Gift," Sorbo portrays a former professional hockey player who dedicates his entire life—and much of his own money—to help the homeless folk in New York.

"When I learned that there was a movie in the tradition of the great Christmas movies, unashamed and unabashed in everything Christmas stands for, I was excited to join the team," said Sorbo.

The actor actually made waves a few months back when he said during a podcast of the Church Boys that the country's religious leaders need to "wake up" and remember the Christian roots of the Founding Fathers.

"Seventy-five percent of Christians... didn't even vote in the last two elections," he lamented. "Well, you know what? You get the government you deserve. You've got to get out there. Pastors have got to wake their congregations up. You can't sit there and say that religion and politics shouldn't be mixed. Of course they're mixed. This country was founded on Christianity for crying out loud."