Church Army Announces New Appointment for Fresh Expressions Agenda

Church Army's Research Unit, the Sheffield Centre, and the Archbishops' Fresh Expressions team have announced the appointment of a new Network Co-ordinator for the new Fresh Expressions guide.

Andrew Wooding, a former editor of Church Army's word-on-the-web website took up his new post this January, with a special task to enable a strong network of users who learn from each other. This will form the basis of a new guide that will become a vital part of fresh expressions being sustained and remaining creative.

George Lings, Director of Church Army's Research Unit, explains: "So much is being learnt about how best to start and sustain fresh expressions of church that it is essential that this experience is retained, widely shared and easily accessible. Creating an online guide we hope will make this happen.

"The guide could do two things for the whole movement. They are connected. I long that it becomes the most used site for finding out best practice in Fresh Expressions, because secondly, it becomes the site where the pioneers share their discoveries.

"The two hopes feed each other. We will be working at both. Andrew will work, in particular with Mike Moynagh, to keep the learning fresh and contemporary."

Of his new role, Wooding commented: "I have a passion for fresh expressions of church and I'm excited by what God is doing in this area. I can't wait to get out there and meet many good people involved in this work. This job is also a sort of homecoming for me. For three years, I was part of the Sheffield Centre team as Editor of the word-on-the-web project. While I will also be part of the Fresh Expressions team in Oxford, I will be based at the Sheffield Centre and look forward to being part of the life of the team again."

Steven Croft, Team Leader of Fresh Expressions added: "As much of the church in Great Britain makes the transition to a mixed economy, Andrew's work will be vital in ensuring all of the wisdom gained in hundreds of different fresh expressions of church is made as widely available as possible and as rapidly as possible."