Church Army Appeals to UK Churches to Restore Real Christmas

Starting a new month in December, the Church Army has launched an initiative urging churches across the UK to bring back the real meaning of Christmas.

In this modern era, thanks to the clever marketing of shrewd businessmen, Christmas has been overwhelmed by eye-catching glamour and the pleasure of entertainment. However, the real historical and religious meanings behind Christmas is now diminishing in the secular tide.

The Church Army, one of the UK's leading evangelical mission groups, who has spearheaded in the "Mission-shaped church" report, is determined to change the tide. A number of mission projects will be organised during Advent and at Christmas to make it truly a season to share God's love, spread the word of God and reach out the serving hands to the community.

The appeal named "Advent - Focussing on mission for a real Christmas" is the first of its kind in the history of the Church Army. It challenges around 3,000 parishes across the UK and Ireland to partner through prayer and financial support. It aims to raise around £300,000 to aid the mission projects in 2005. It also calls on supporters to engage with the Army to make a difference in the lives of the lonely, the homeless and those in need as "Jesus was both homeless and a refugee."

Five case studies were highlighted by the appeal to encourage churches to take part in mission. John O’Neill has teamed up with a newly formed Bikers Church in Ireland to distribute toys to children in Hospitals. Paul McDonough's work with refugees in Great Yarmouth and John Worsfold’s befriending scheme for the elderly are also highlighted as practical examples of sharing faith through words and action - the Church Army's motto.

Running up to 2005, the Church Army has put its hope into more mission opportunities for the new year. It holds onto its vision of a mission-shaped 2005 - highlighting the need to engage with the 60% of people who have little or no meaningful contact with the church.

Rosemary Cottrell, Head of Fundraising comments, "This is the first time we have invited parishes to engage with us to catch something of the spirit of what Church Army is doing to reach out to those in need at this advent time. We are looking for a positive engagement from parishes to work with us in delivering the vision for a mission-shaped 2005 and raise the profile of the outstanding work our evangelists do."