Church Army Evangelist to Appear on LBC Radio Show

A psychic, astrologer - and a Church Army evangelist will give guidance to listeners on an upcoming LBC radio show.

Whistling Frog Productions has once again created an exciting opportunity for the Gospel to be heard by devotees of the new age, following last year's collaboration with London radio station LBC 97.3 and its popular Friday night 'Psychic Show'.

The show will be given a new twist on 25 May when the phone lines are opened up to three different spiritual 'experts' - a Christian, a psychic, and an astrologer - who will each be given the chance to offer help and advice to callers.

The special programme, "The Mind Body Spirit Challenge", already has regular weekly opportunities for callers to receive life guidance from their resident medium, as well as from a whole host of other new age practitioners.

The Christian 'expert' will be Church Army Evangelist Steve Hollinghurst, a researcher in evangelism to post-Christian culture based at the Sheffield Centre.

He is also a member of the team running the Christian 'Dekhomai' stand at the London Mind Body Spirit Festival, from which the programme takes its name.

This year's festival, to be held at the Royal Horticultural Halls in Victoria from 23-28 May, brings a diverse collection of belief systems and new age practitioners all under one roof. The Dekhomai stand will be offering healing prayer from the Christian tradition, meditation, and resources on Christian spirituality.

Colin Lowther, Head of Programmes at Whistling Frog Productions and HCJB-UK Director, commented: "This is a unique opportunity for LBC listeners to compare the claims of Christianity alongside the new age ideas they hear about every week on the Psychic Show. We want these listeners to see that being a Christian isn't just a set of intellectual beliefs, it actually makes a difference!

"Please pray with us that these listeners - who are already open to the existence of the supernatural - will hear something about Jesus that will change their lives forever."