Church Army evangelist to reach out as living sculpture

Church Army evangelist Alison Wooding is one of the lucky few to have been given an hour on the Trafalgar Square plinth in central London.

She will be a living sculpture on August 2, between the wee small hours of 2am and 3am, a time she plans to use to pray for fellow evangelists who are featured in the Church Army Prayer Diary during that week.

"I am fascinated by the spirituality of the desert fathers and people who did wild and wacky things for God," said Ms Wooding.

"In the desert and at the margins of society the desert fathers, and mothers sought God – a solitary way of life that has puzzled people down the ages.

"It has to be said that some of these early desert fathers were very odd – not least St Simon Stylities who spent many years sat on the top of a pillar!

"So I fancy spending an hour on top of a pillar, not years, and will spend that hour praying for the work of Church Army in the UK."

People are being asked to pledge their support for Ms Wooding on her profile page by leaving a comment or promising to watch her live online.

She will also be publicising Church Army's appeal theme of "Life to the Full" as well as Church Army's new website Make Jesus Famous. The website invites Christians to post their creative ideas on how to tell people about Jesus and Ms Wooding's stint on the plinth is the latest idea to be uploaded.

A film of Alison's early morning vigil in the middle of London will be uploaded to the Church Army website in the autumn. She is asking for prayers that God will use this opportunity to bring the Gospel message to those who have yet to hear or accept it.

On the web:
Visit Alison's profile page at: