Church Army Launches Under 5's Worship Focus

Worship for children under five is important, says a new publication by Church Army's Sheffield Centre. The 17-page Encounters on the Edge resource (31 Small Beginnings), explores what it is to nurture spirituality in young children.

Written by Claire Dalpra, research assistant to George Lings, the publication examines how the fresh expressions agenda offers churches a great opportunity to re-connect with this often-overlooked age group, Church Army has told Christian Today.

'Small beginnings' tells the story of new worshipping communities that have formed with children and their parents, grandparents or carers' midweek that wouldn't otherwise be attending church. Not only is physical space redesigned but ways of nurturing spirituality that do not rely on academic understanding are being developed.

Claire Dalpra said, "Young children are in danger of being overlooked within our churches. There is mounting evidence to suggest children might be born with innate spiritual awareness but all-age worship is often limited in what it can do to nurture spirituality in children under five. This can even keep young families away.

"Many churches run well attended midweek groups for under 5s and their carers, but there is a danger that churches will miss the opportunity to spiritually connect with non-churched parents and children if they wait around for families to cross the divide between midweek parent and baby/toddler groups to Sunday worship."

Dalpra concludes that there is just as much need for mission-shaped church thinking for children's ministry as there is for adults and she believes this publication offers some practical advice on where to start.

She said: "The number of children in this country who know the Christian story is still frighteningly low. The wider church must act upon this, not just for the continuation of the church in the future but, more importantly, because of their responsibility to take the spiritual nurture of young children seriously and resource ministry among them, just as they would any other people group in society.

"This type of fresh expressions has wider implications than is immediately obvious. Adults are finding this kind of spiritual nurture helpful also which suggests learning to encounter God through imagination, wonder and play is a gift for life not just early childhood."

Church Army is a society of evangelists within the Anglican Communion, which exists to enable people to come to a living faith in Jesus Christ.