Church Army Magazine Share IT! Launches New Image

Church Army, a 122 year old Anglican society of evangelists, further advanced its efforts to support churches and ministries by reforming its monthly resource magazine - Share IT!

Both the cover design and content of Share IT!” will change to become the most futuristic image in its history. With an ocean blue colour, a cosmic surfer cutting a celestial superhighway across the heavens is on the front cover. In addition, the content will feature on e-evangelism, mission in a spiritual age and using themes from movies for evangelism, providing a lot of useful ideas and resources for readers to meet the challenge of “tomorrow’s evangelism today.”

According to the Church Army, the change is a response to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams’s call: “Church needs guiding through an exciting and unchartered future.”

Church Army’s Communications Manager, David Coleman, said, “I was looking for something that captured the sense of a forward looking organisation operating in a post-Christian culture, and when our designer, Niall Donnelly, suggested the surfer I was delighted. I appreciate the cover will not be to everyone’s taste, but it has certainly got people talking about the theme of tomorrow's evangelism today in relation to the work of Church Army.”

Philip Johanson OBE, Chief Secretary of Church Army said, “Although we can never fully predict what tomorrow may bring, we have to be able to respond to the future now in terms of the challenges it poses for mission and evangelism.”

He encouraged the support of the Church Army in his introductory article, “We continue to be surprised about the areas of work our evangelists are called to, but with your continued partnership and support, we are equipped to address the challenge of tomorrow's evangelism today.”

The new design of Share IT! will be published as Issue 20 by the end of August. At the moment, there are approximately 18,000 supporters of the monthly magazine. To have a glance over the new issue, please visit the Church Army’s official website.