Church Army officer fights boredom among young

One Church Army officer is hoping that an activity trailer will solve the ‘nothing to do’ problem of young people living in one Welsh village.

Jon Price has hired the activity trailer to bring sporting opportunities not normally available in the community of Churchstoke, which although in Wales falls within the Church of England Diocese of Hereford.

One activity available to youngsters is traversing, which challenges them to make their way around the trailer using only bolted on holds.

He said the trailer was ideal “when ‘nothing to do’ is the other option”.

He is inviting other churches and organisations within the community to make use of the trailer in the hope that it can be the springboard for new relationships.

The Bishop of Ludlow, Alistair Magowan, will accompany a group of children and their vicar Norman Morris for a try-out of the vehicle.

In addition to traversing, the children will be able to have a go at archery, pedal cars and problem solving.

“We will be testing the full range of choices, on offer with the pupils, and we hope they have a fun time," said Price.

"After that, we will be parking at the Community Centre once or twice a week offering a different activity each time. Keep alert for posters and messages."