Church Army StreetReach Project Backed by Irish Churches

Churches across the UK are finding a new expression of the church after inspiration from the Mission-Shaped Church Report published by the Church of England General Synod in January 2004. Church Army has been spearheading the development of various creative mission initiatives to bring the Gospel to a wider range of people. One of the projects called StreetReach has been highly appreciated by the church leaders in Ireland.

A statement signed by the Archbishop of Armagh, the Primate of All Ireland, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland read, "We, the four Church Leaders, are delighted to commend the StreetReach project. It offers young people an excellent opportunity to connect with the needs of the local community and build new relationships that extend their understanding of ‘faith into practice’."

Many of the younger generation in this era are missing from the pews. A right instrument or form to communicate with youth about the Gospel in the context of contemporary culture is essential to bring them back to the church.

StreetReach project is an initiative by the Church Army and Summer Madness. In partnership with local churches and communities, it channels young people into a practical demonstration of God's love in the local community.

Summer Madness is the biggest annual Christian festival in Ireland held in Belfast. Through a blend of seminars, workshops, outdoor pursuits, music and drama in the camp, it inspires youths to play a part in the local congregation and live out their Christian service in the fellowship of the faith community.

The StreetReach project spurs on young people from the Summer Madness Festival celebration into concrete opportunities of service and grace. Young people will be serving in the churches or local communities as volunteers, participating in cleaning streets and gardens, as well as creative murals, street parties and community barbecues.

Speaking about the commendation, Church Army’s Neville Willerton, StreetReach Project Co-ordinator, said, "We’re really appreciative of the main four Church Leaders giving us this commendation. This illustrates something of the heart for mission in Ireland showing that that we can unite together on a project like this. It’s exciting that mission can bring us together and I think it also illustrates something of the commitment, determination and the passion of young people who do StreetReach."

"We’re looking to get 600-800 people to get involved with our event this summer taking place from 5th to 10th July," states Willerton. "Already, there are 10 mini StreetReaches happening just this year alone and these have come about because young people have tasted mission in Belfast through StreetReach and have wanted to replicate it in their own town or city where they live."