Church Army’s Word-on-the-Web Presented at Massive Christian Concert

Word-on-the-web, a project of the Church Army, has given a presentation at the massive annual Christian concert - The Ultimate Event at Alton Towers - for the fourth consecutive year last Saturday. This year marks a success for Word-on-the-web’s New to Christianity course, which has been endorsed by the concert as a resource to guide people to Christ.

Word-on-the-web is an online evangelism ministry with a vision to spread the Gospel through today's most powerful media tool - the Internet. Launched for over four years in the UK, it sends short and challenging Bible studies each day, 365 days a year, to 7,000 subscribers in over 100 countries around the world. The extent of the reach to people in the world has been unimaginable.

The authors of the Bible studies are famous Christian leaders such as Luis Palau, rock bands Delirious? and yFriday. Leaders from the Girls’ Brigade, Boys’ Brigade, YFC, YWAM, Salvation Army, as well as a number of bishops who were also invited to write materials.

Word-on-the-web’s New to Christianity course has been running for a year. It is a six-week (42 day) online course which explains more about Christianity and the Christian faith with backings from contemporary Christian music favourites chip K of thebandwithnoname and Dez Minto of yfriday.

Some other writers include Laurence Gamlen of Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS); Christine Gore of the Diocese of Sheffield of the Church of England; Hugh Boorman, ex-Captain of the Church Army, Richard Prescott, Ray Khan and Andrew Wooding, evangelist of Church Army and Editor for Word-on-the-Web. The themes of each week are as follows:

Week 1 - So, what is this Christianity all about?
Week 2 - The Bible
Week 3 - The Holy Spirit
Week 4 - Prayer
Week 5 - Church
Week 6 - How do I grow?

Last Saturday, an estimated 12,000 people were attracted to the popular theme park Alton Towers to join the massive annual Christian concert in the UK that features some of today’s well known Christian music artists. The organisers saw the event as an opportunity for attendees to become Christians with Word-on-the-web’s New to Christianity material distributed to them.

Ruth Walker, word-on-the-web administrator said before the event, "The big hope is that there will be non-Christians at the event who will make a commitment to God."

"I hope that they will use New to Christianity as a guide to help them learn more about God and enhance their Christian walk. I hope that when they use the material they will be encouraged to sign up for the word-on-the-web free daily emails and that this will be a blessing to them."