Church hosts students during exams

A church and a nearby sixth form college in Brighton have partnered to provide thousands of students a suitable place to sit their exams.

Around 1,800 students from the Brighton, Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College (BHASVIC) are sitting their spring exams in St Luke's church just down the road.

It is the first time the church has played host to exams and the new venture is the result of conversations that began between the Rev Martin Poole and BHASVIC principal Chris Thomson not long after Rev Poole became the priest-in-charge at St Luke’s in June 2010.

Rev Poole was very keen to find ways to use the building, which is normally empty Monday to Fridays with the exception of a mums and toddler group on Thursday mornings.

At the same time, BHASVIC wanted to find somewhere to hold the students' exams that would not tie up their own halls for two weeks.

The rent paid by the college to St Luke's has been used to install a new heating system which has not only benefitted the students during their exam time but also the regular Sunday congregation.

Mr Thomson said: “This is a great example of community collaboration and we’re excited about the possibilities of working further with our local church.”

Rev Poole said: “We’re very happy to be able to work with BHASVIC in this way and show practically how the Big Society that the government talks about might actually work.

"I also like to think that the church environment might have helped to inspire the students as they work hard at their exams.”