Church minister calls for ‘honesty and integrity’ from Scottish parties ahead of election

The Rev Ian Galloway, Convener of the Church and Society Council, is concerned over delays to the publication of manifestos ahead of the Scottish Parliament general election on May 5.

Despite already being out on the campaign trail in the last few weeks, the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems only launched their party manifestos this week and the SNPs and Greens have yet to release theirs.

Rev Galloway criticised the delay.

“Can you imagine applying for a job and telling your potential employer that they could not see your CV until halfway through the interview?

"These parties are asking us to choose who will form the next Scottish Government. They should have the honesty and integrity to tell us what they stand for.”

Churches across Scotland have been engaging with the public in the run up to the general election by hosting hustings with local candidates.

A joint statement issued last month by Scottish Church leaders, including the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and the head of the Roman Catholic Church, urged people to cast their vote in the general election.

“An awareness of human failings should not tempt us to abandon the political system. Dissatisfaction with politics should prompt Christians to be more involved in shaping political life so that it better serves the whole of society,” they said.

May 5 is election day across the UK, with a referendum on the AV system, and elections to the Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies in addition to the Scottish general election.

Find election resources and details of hustings online at:

CORRECTION: The original article stated that the Scottish Greens had launched their party manifesto two days after the Scottish Parliament dissolved on March 22nd. This is incorrect. The Scottish Greens launched their election campaign on March 24th but have still not released their party manifesto.