Church Mission Chief Issues Easter Challenge to Christians

Easter is more important than Christmas in the church's liturgical year, says the Director of the Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation (CASE). That's why every baptised person is invited to engage in mission during this period.

Speaking during Holy Week, CASE Director, Mgr Keith Barltrop, said: "I challenge and invite you; parishes, religious communities, families and individuals, to claim the joy of the season with confidence and express it in public ways. During Eastertide, get busy introducing people to Jesus - our risen Lord."

He added: "The message of Easter isn't just for ourselves, but for those around us who are without hope; the lost, the apathetic, the rich, the poor, the young, the old. Christ needs you to be His witnesses. Don't delay.

"Together let's arise from the darkness and share the new life of the resurrection. The spiritual graces to enable you to do this are there for you and CASE has a wide variety of resources to help."

CASE was set up by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales in April 2004 to assist the Church in England and Wales to proclaim the good news of God's love and mercy.

Resources for Easter evangelisation can be found at:

Available are: homily notes, materials for children's liturgy, top tips for reaching out, links, books and cultural comment. Meanwhile, a dedicated web page for non-Catholics explaining the meaning of Easter can be found at: