Church must take children’s spirituality seriously, says researcher

Researcher Dr Rebecca Nye has warned the Church of England that it can no longer disregard the spirituality of children.

In her new book, Children’s Spirituality, Dr Nye argues that ministering to children’s spirituality must become a core function of the Church, rather than a luxury add-on.

“Childhood is not even recognised as a mainstream subject for theological attention,” said Dr Nye, who brought Godly Play to the UK.

She argues that children have a significant capacity for exploring faith and that instead of treating childhood as simply a training ground for adult spirituality, the Church should be nurturing ways of “being with and knowing God” in the children.

She urges churches to play close attention to the verbal and non-verbal indications of spiritual searching and wonder expressed by children in their midst and advises them to be cautious with “teaching” methods to ensure that long-term spiritual development is not stifled.

She recommends that churches create physical spaces for children’s work that conveys the importance of that work and its relationship with the rest of the worshipping community.

“Children’s Spirituality: What it is and why it matters” is out from Church Publishing, priced £8.99.