Church of England Faces Opposition

The Catholic Church has reaffirmed its opposition to Government proposals to give unmarried cohabiting couples similar legal rights to married people. Earlier this week, the Church of England came out in support of the proposals saying it was "sympathetic" to a change in the law for cohabiting couples where there were children involved.

The Church of England also supported in its response to recommendations from the Law Commission more limited legal reform for unmarried couples in cases not involving children but where there was a risk of "manifest injustice".

The Rt Rev Tom Butler, Bishop of Southwark, said: "It is perfectly justified in terms of public policy for marriage to continue to confer particular benefits and privileges not available to those who choose not to commit to an enduring legal relationship, so long as adequate steps are taken to prevent manifest injustice.

"The test we would commend in assessing possible solutions is whether they will genuinely correct injustices without at the same time downgrading or creating disincentives to marriage."