Church of England Head set for Historic Pakistan Tour

The Church of England head, Rev Dr Rowan Williams is to undertake an historic visit of Pakistan next week, in what he says is a vital period for the devastated country.

|TOP|Having just closed the eighth Church of England General Synod this week, the Archbishop of Canterbury will immediately begin preparations for his trip to the South Asian country.

Dr Williams said, “This is a crucial time to be visiting Pakistan. I know that there are many concerns about those who may have survived the recent earthquake but whose future is still threatened by the onset of extremely cold weather conditions. I hope to learn about the things being done to transfer aid to people in the direst of needs.”

In particular, Dr Williams spoke about the importance of the faith communities in the country during this testing period. He continued, “This is also a very important time for Pakistan's faith communities - the good relations between Christians and Muslims in many parts of the UK and in Pakistan provide a platform for building further and for eradicating mistrust and misunderstanding. I am pleased to be able to visit Muslim students, scholars and leaders in the Islamic University of Islamabad and elsewhere.”

The trip will also be used to share fellowship with other church leaders in the country, allowing them to learn more in depth about one another’s mission strategies and the challenges faced in each country.

|AD|“I am particularly delighted to be sharing in fellowship with the Church of Pakistan at this point in its history and learning of its mission and ministry in some of the most challenging parts of the country. And I am looking forward to the celebrations of the long and fruitful ministry and leadership of Bishop Malik as Bishop,” said Dr Williams.

The Archbishop is flying to Pakistan after an official invitation from the Church of Pakistan, whose moderator is the Bishop of Lahore, the Rt Rev Alexander Malik.

Also during his visit, Archbishop Dr Williams will meet with the President of Pakistan as well as the country’s Prime Minister and other leading politicians. Scheduled into his time there, is also a visit to those recovering and operating in the earthquake disaster regions.

The Bishops of the province in Pakistan have also arranged for a retreat to be held at the time, so that Dr Williams can lead them as he tours around the various churches and church projects currently taking place.

Concluding his visit, Dr Williams is set to preside and preach at a special service in Lahore celebrating the 25th anniversary of the consecration of Bishop Malik.

The chance to reconcile interfaith partnerships in the region will also be undertaken by Dr Williams, as he will meet with local Muslim religious leaders and scholars, who have also invited the Archbishop to visit a Muslim madrassa (religious school).

Archbishop Dr Williams will return to the UK after his trip to Pakistan to lead the enthronement of Dr Sentamu as the newly appointed Archbishop of York.