Church of England Keeps Shares in Firm with Israel Links

The Church of England has decided not to sell its shares in a company accused of profiting from Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, reports The Telegraph.
The announcement was made yesterday by the Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group, which said that the Church would not sell its £2.2million investments in the Caterpillar group, which makes bulldozers used by Israel in its demolition programmes.

The move comes against the wishes of other Anglicans who have called on fellow churches to divest. Church leaders at a Anglican Consultative Council voted unanimously to boycott investments that support Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories or violence against innocent Israelis.

The Church of England also faced strong pressure to conform to Israeli divestment after the USA Presbyterian Church issued Motorola, Caterpillar, ITT Industries and United Technologies an ultimatum to stop providing Israel with military equipment and technology for use in the occupation of Palestinian territories or else face a vote by the Church to divest its stock in them.

The advisory group said its decision was made in light of the “political fluidity” following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza.

A U.S. joint-Jewish and Christian delegation arrived Sunday to help mediate in the disagreements that have arisen over the issue of divestment by Protestant groups as well as Israel’s security barrier.