Church of England Launches New 'Practical' Mission Book

Church Army evangelists have challenged the Church of England to re-think the way it engages with young people.

Church Army's David and Alison Booker have edited an important new book launched this week by the Church of England. The book 'Young People and Mission' gives an "honest appraisal" of how the Church relates to young people through worship and mission today.

The book has been described as an "important book" with a "big vision for mission" by Bishop Roger Sainsbury, Chairman of the Centre For Youth Ministry and the National Youth Agency.

With contributions from many writers including Church Army's Diana Greenfield, Steve Hollinghurst, Debbie Orriss, and Neville Willerton, the book draws on the experiences of writers to explore issues such as how Christian youth subculture can distance young people from the church.

The book also seeks to help young Christians understand other faiths and the implications of living as a Christian in a multi-faith society, as well as exploring the challenges and benefits of working alongside uniformed organisations such as Scouts, Guides and the Boys' and Girls' Brigades.

"We wanted to create a book on mission and young people that wasn't afraid to ask difficult questions or recognise that working with young people can be frustrating as well as exciting," say the Bookers. "So often we still see mission as getting young people into church rather than mission as transforming God's world."

They added: "We believe that mission is about seeing young people so touched by knowing God's love that they want to see His Kingdom come in the world. That is why injustice and poverty has a chapter alongside chapters on equipping young people to share their faith. We believe there is fantastic work already happening out there with young people and found contributors who have real experience of what they are writing about.

"Sometimes churches can be tempted to stick their head in the sand and ignore difficult issues or think that if we just work a bit harder everything will be alright. We wanted to tackle head on some of the tough issues facing those who work with young people.

"That is why we included chapters on why young people leave the church and how we equip Christian young people to live in a multi-faith society. Not easy questions, but ones we must face up to if we are serious about building lifelong disciples."

The Bookers were behind the launch of Church Army's Word on the Web project, a Bible Study partner of Christian Today that delivers daily Bible notes free by email to over 7,000 people a day.

The two editors believe that a church with a big vision for mission in all its fullness will be more attractive to those outside than an insular church and hopes the book informs readers of how they might begin the process of assessing and developing their ministry with young people.

The Bookers explain, "We hope people find the book honest, challenging and encouraging. We do face real challenges in reaching out and serving young people but God equips those he calls to his work. Those who work with young people know youth ministry is a real privilege. We hope the book gives them fresh vision and practical tools to keep going in the exciting and the frustrating times."

Speaking about the book, Church Army's Chief Executive, Mark Russell has said: "Finally a book that doesn't just tell us the Church is losing young people, but gives us practical advice and encouragement to reach them for Christ. Every youth worker and church leader needs to read this!"