Church of England Looks to Reignite Mission Amid Anglican Crisis

The Anglican Communion, which has traditionally had its spiritual home in the Church of England, has seen a drastic shift over the past years, with energetic revivals taking place in the Global South.

In Africa, Asia and South America, the rise in church congregations has been phenomenal, yet the Church of England has been shrouded in reports of decreasing churchgoers, with statistics revealing that less than a million worship regularly in the Church of England.

The urgent need to capture back the “empty pews” has led to evangelicals within the Church of England to invite an American-based bishop, consecrated in Singapore and sent from Rwanda as a missionary bishop to the United States, to speak at a number of events in early July.

The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, Chairman of the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA), leads a missionary movement based in the Anglican Province of Rwanda, which testifies that it is planting a new church in America about every three weeks.