Church of England Release Guide to Protect Clergy from Internet Temptations

A new guide for vicars published by the Church of England warns clergymen to avoid internet temptations – which lead to the oldest temptations that exist in the present secular world. The Vicar’s Guide urged clergies of both sexes to protect themselves against the danger of forming inappropriate relationships by recording their meetings openly.

The guide advises how clergy can avoid being led into sexual indiscretions with their parishioners. One of the first signs of an inappropriate relationship developing is the temptation to add meetings and not record them.

Along with The Curate’s Guide, the Vicar’s Guide is aimed towards the 13,000 serving clergy in the Church of England. Details of the process of ordination are also given for prospective vicars.

The guide acknowledges that in a church that no longer has "a positive understanding of celibacy," one of the main areas of difficulties is to keep the boundaries between pastoral and intimate relationships.