Church of Ireland Primate Calls for a Fresh Look at Ecumenism

A Church of Ireland primate has called for church leaders and members to revisit ecumenism in order to recover the term's positive potential among the people of Ireland.

Church of Ireland Primate Archbishop Robin Eames said in a keynote speech on Monday night that many people regarded ecumenism as a "dirty word" and that ecumenism in Ireland had not started on the right foot.

He said: "In the naked sectarianism of Northern Ireland, ecumenism for some is a sign of failure, surrender and weakness.

"Ecumenism when linked to reconciliation is still a ‘dirty word’ to some.

"Equally, however, ecumenism when practised in its real sense of understanding, reaching out and acceptance of difference, takes us to the heart of what I believe God is saying to his Church."

The Primate said in his speech 'Will Ireland be Christian in 2030?', that ecumenism should not become in itself a denomination, but stressed "insofar as it enourages Irish churches to look out beyond their own boundaries to se what can be learned or admired in others, it can determine to a large degree the future of Christianity in Ireland."

According to Archbishop Eames, the future of Christianity in Ireland "will not depend so much on the separate influence of churches as it will on the quality of life which individual Irish Christians will feel able to contribute to society. The Ireland I see in the future will be a place where the influence of the individual rather than the influence of the institution will command most attention."

The Primate also urged for greater understanding and acceptance of the secular world, saying, "Churches on this island must reach out with a new degree of understanding of secular human-kind in Ireland."

Archbishop Eames concluded by mentioning that the Churches of Northern Ireland were slowly developing "a Christian critique of society which is shaking off the baggage of generations - a baggage which has seen denominationalism over identified with one political philosophy or another."