Church of Scotland Moderator to Highlight Plight of Homeless People

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Rt Rev Alan McDonald, will deliver a challenging address on the plight of homeless people when he preaches on Homelessness Sunday.

Churches across the UK will mark Homelessness Sunday on 28 January with special services and charitable acts to serve homeless people and raise awareness of their needs.

Rev McDonald will focus on the theme of the 16th annual Homelessness Sunday - 'No Home, No Justice'.

"In our affluent consumer society we are all encouraged to think of our dwellings as monetary assets rather than as the heart of family life, as places of comfort and social refuge," said the Church of Scotland in a press release.

"Homelessness Sunday will highlight some of the injustices that are linked with homelessness; rural homelessness; homeless and destitute asylum seekers and the problems faced by Central European nationals in Britain who are not entitled to welfare benefits."

Rev McDonald said, "It is almost incredible that in 2007 the gap between the rich and the poor in our society in actually growing wider. Homelessness is one aspect of the scandal of poverty in a wealthy country."

Homelessness Sunday brings together thousands of churches throughout the country and is an annual day of ecumenical prayer that for the past 15 years has been drawing the attention of Christians to the devastating effects of homelessness in all its forms.

Rev McDonald will preach at the Glasgow Lodging House Mission, a project established in 1907 which serves the homeless and hostel dwelling communities of Glasgow. In addition to a drop-in centre and educational programmes, the centre provides spiritual, physical, emotional and practical care for individuals in need.