Church of Scotland to hold first ever national children's assembly

The first-ever National Children's Assembly of the Church of Scotland will take place this weekend in Aberfoyle.

At this unique event more than 120 children aged 9 - 11 will gather from all over the country to talk about God and the Church.

As part of this workshop based Assembly the children will be invited to discuss how adults can make them feel welcome and a valued part of the church community.

They will play, sing and dance and worship God with the help of Fischy Music, the U.K.'s leading Christian musicians and composers.

A unique aspect of this Assembly will be the selection of 16 ambassadors who will be chosen to represent the voice of children in the Church of Scotland and attend the General Assembly 2008 in Edinburgh.

Linda Pollock, organiser and leader of the event says that "In listening to the voice of our children the Kirk is taking seriously the words of Jesus when He said: 'I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is like the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child...and whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me' (Matthew 18: 1 - 5)."