Church of Scotland Urges End to Israeli Violence

|TOP|The Church of Scotland has backed calls by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) calling for a halt to Israeli violence in Gaza.

The statement made by the convener of the Church and Society Council, Morag Mylne, on behalf of the Kirk’s World Mission and Church and Society, also supported the calls from the WCC and MECC for the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier.

“More recently, the escalation in attacks and the spread of fear cause us deep concern and anguish. The Kirk has a long history of engagement with the Israel/Palestine question and believes that negotiation, rather than violence, can be the only way to a resolution,” she said.

“If that process is to be a reality it is necessary for both sides to develop trust and draw back from a cycle of destructive behaviour in which they continue to be engaged.”

|AD|Ms Mylne also stressed the role of the international community in finding a long term solution to the conflict.

“In particular we would encourage Her Majesty’s Government to do all in their power to promote and facilitate meaningful dialogue,” she said.

“We offer our continued prayers for those whose suffering has been heightened in recent days.”

The statement came as the Church of Scotland was forced to close its hotel in the resort of Tiberias, where Hizbolla rockets landed on Saturday.

Guests staying in the hotel sought refuge elsewhere, many in Jerusalem, after a second attack on Saturday night saw one strike hit just 50 metres from the hotel.

Jen Zielinski, from Dunoon, is working for the Church of Scotland as a programme director in Tiberias.

She said: "When I saw smoke about 50 yards from my apartment I decided I had better go to the shelter.

"On Sunday morning, I went down to the Catholic church for worship and there were only 10 people and the priest. It was a ghost town."

She added: "There was another alert and I thought I had better leave. I won't be going back until the situation has settled down.

"The Israeli people are stunned. They did not believe Hizbollah had enough firepower to hit Tiberias."