Church offers buildings for adult learning

The Church of England has joined other organisations in signing a pledge to use its network of people and buildings to support a drive to create more ‘informal adult learning’ opportunities across the country.

The Church has a long tradition of offering learning opportunities, both for those who attend church and the wider community. Parish churches are well-placed to respond to specific local needs, often hosting or organising diverse learning activities including parenting classes, drama groups or training in debt management. Many thousands of churchgoers are involved in organising, leading and participating in such activities.

The pledge was unveiled yesterday to coincide with the launch of a White Paper from the Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills, which details the Government’s strategy for creating a culture of adult learning in the UK. The Church said its Board of Education would be studying the White Paper closely.

The Board will encourage dioceses and parishes to identify further opportunities for promoting such opportunities for people of all ages.

The Rev Janina Ainsworth, the Church of England’s Chief Education Officer, signed the pledge on behalf of the Church’s Board of Education on Monday.

"The Church shares the aim of enriching individual’s lives so that they can fulfil their God-given potential, and welcomes the chance to formalise its historic commitment and investment in projects which boost people’s skills and confidence, both in faith-related activities and less obviously churchy ones," she said.

“This is a simple way of showing that the Church is passionate about learning and the development of the whole person. Christians believe this is God’s hope for every person.”

By signing the pledge, the Church of England’s Board of Education has joined a wider movement of ambassadors for informal adult learning, including the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the Museums Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) and Business in the Community (BITC).