Church official challenges Scottish Government on climate targets

A senior Church of Scotland minister today welcomed the Scottish Government’s new climate change targets, but warned they were doomed to fail unless the people of Scotland were involved at a grassroots level.

The Rev Ian Galloway, Convener of the Kirk’s Church and Society Council, made the appeal a day after the Scottish Parliament approved the trailblazing Scottish Climate Change Bill.

He expressed his hope for Eco-Congregations, churches that link environmental issues with the Christian faith, would work with the Scottish Government to reach its climate targets.

“We warmly welcome the amendment to the Bill requiring the Scottish Government to publish a strategy for public engagement," said Rev Galloway.

“Without an effective strategy the new law stands little chance of success.

“Congregations across Scotland, particularly Eco-Congregations will have [a] vital role to play in coming months to help the Government get this right.”

A final day amendment tabled by Brian Adam, MSP for Aberdeen North, which requires the Scottish Government to publish a public engagement strategy was agreed by MSPs of all parties.

Mr Adam said: “The opportunities are there for public engagement in delivering the aims of the Bill and places duties on us all to reach the challenging targets in reducing our carbon impact.

“I hope that others will follow the lead taken by the Eco-Congregations and Eco-Schools in making a difference.”

The MSP was supported in the amendment by the Church of Scotland and the Eco-Congregation Scotland movement, which represents over 200 congregations of all denominations across the country.