Church official praises government on failed asylum seeker measures

A senior Church of Scotland official praised the government on Friday for listening to its concerns about the Dungavel detention centre for failed asylum seekers and asked that churches be part of the solution.

The government proposed last week that families of failed asylum seekers could be moved to city centre flats instead of being kept at Dungavel detention centre.

Mr Galloway pointed out that alternative measures like this would use far less of the taxpayers' money.

"As a system, Dungavel is very expensive to run," he said. "The pilot scheme restores some of the human rights to failed asylum seekers while also being much more cost-effective."

The convener also said the interim measure of moving failed asylum seekers down to English detention centres must end.

"It is a despicable practice - it is deeply distressing for those involved, and cuts them off from any existing support network, making them feel further isolated.

He pointed out that it is always children who suffer most.

"Children do not understand where they are, or what is going to happen to them.

"We strongly believe that the interests of children should always be prioritised over the interests of immigration policy.

"By permitting this to happen, the government is denying to children core rights accorded them under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and lowering the reputation of the UK internationally.

"I sincerely hope they will continue to pursue options which do not involve lengthy periods of imprisonment."

Rev Ian Galloway, convener of the Kirk's Church and Society Council, made the remarks ahead of the Moderator's visit to Dungavel on Monday.

Mr Galloway commented: "We are pleased that the government has listened to us, as the Dungavel regime was inhumane, especially for young children.

"But following Jim Murphy's announcement, there must be action. And we want to be involved in that action."

He felt that churches had a lot to offer the government and failed asylum seekers.

"The Kirk has always been regarded as being a place of support and safety for the vulnerable in society," he said.

"I know of church members who stood as surety for a family of failed asylum seekers, and they fulfilled their bail conditions without fail."