Church poverty groups inspire positive response to recession

Church Action on Poverty, Housing Justice and Scottish Churches Housing Action are clubbing together to release a new web-based resource to help Britons make the most of what they have.

They believe that if people share their assets, join together to create community wealth, and recognise that wealth is more than just material goods, they can overcome the difficulties brought on by the recession.

The resource will be launched on 17 October with the theme 'Enough for All', with more resource materials to be published in the coming months for use during Poverty and Homelessness Action Week from 30 January to 7 February 2010, which includes Homelessness Sunday and Poverty Action Sunday.

The free downloadable resources include worship guides, materials for work with children and young people, and the innovative handbook 12 Baskets which gives practical hints for living more simply and sharing what we have.

Former leader of the Iona Community, Rev Kathy Galloway, is a contributor to the pack.

She said: “Competition and greed have increased poverty and inequality and caused global catastrophe and loss of livelihood.

"Our scriptures, our faith, our Lord, all teach us that blessing is first and foremost communal blessing.

"We have enough for everyone. Let’s explore the art of sharing!"

The 12 Baskets handbook is inspired by the story of the feeding of the 5,000 in the New Testament, when all the people ate and were filled, and the leftovers were enough to fill 12 baskets.

The guide contains examples of the things people are doing to share hospitality, food, transport and lifestyles to benefit others in the community.

Just some of the initiatives highlightes are the Nightstop scheme which provides emergency accommodation in hosts’ own homes, ethical banking opportunities, furniture recycling and food co-operatives.

Alison Gelder, Chief Executive of Housing Justice, said many churches were already actively involved in combating homelessness and poverty in their local communities.

"This year’s Poverty and Homelessness Action Week theme 'Enough for all' gives us an opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness about the church’s contribution and to rediscover the value of those things that cannot have a price put on them," she said.

Church Action on Poverty’s National Coordinator Niall Cooper added: “The recession provides an opportunity for us to take stock and ask ourselves whether we could do things differently.

"If we share what we have and explore the wealth to be found in our communities, we can build a fairer and more sustainable world.

"If we try to return to ‘business as usual’, we will see a continued rise in poverty and inequality.”