Church publishes prayers for voters ahead of the General Election

The Church of England has published prayers to help voters as they consider their options in the forthcoming General Election.

The prayers remind voters that they can make a difference, ask that the concerns of all may be heard and seek protection from despair and cynicism.

The prayers, for personal use or during church services, were specially written by the Mission and Public Affairs Division and the Communications Office in association with National Worship Development Officer the Rev Peter Moger.

They are published on the web alongside details of relevant debates in the General Synod over the last five years.

The prayers are:

Loving God,
Thank you for caring about how our country is run, and that we have the right to vote for our politicans and government.
But in the run-up to this general election there are so many policies to understand, and so many different points of view to consider -
Sometimes I wonder whether there's any point in voting, whether anyone cares what I think.
As I choose who I am going to vote for, help me not to be cynical about politics and politicians, help me to remember that my vote can make a difference, and help me vote for those people who will protect the poor and vulnerable, and do all they can to make our nation a place of fairness and peace.
Because you call us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you, our God.

Heavenly Father source of all truth and wisdom, who knows and loves the whole creation,
watch over our nation at election time:
that truth may prevail over distortion,
wisdom triumph over recklessness
and the concerns of every person be heard.
Lord Jesus, who chose the way of the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane,
help us to turn our backs on self interest
and to support policies that sustain the poor, the vulnerable and the frightened people of this world.
Holy Spirit, who brought understanding among myriad peoples and languages at Pentecost, give to all your people a passion for peace
and inspire us to work for unity and co-operation throughout the world and in our political life together.

Lord, we give thanks for the privileges and responsibilities of
living in a democratic society.
Give us wisdom to play our part at election time,
that, through the exercise of each vote,
your Kingdom may come closer.
Protect us from the sins of despair and cynicism,
guard us against the idols of false utopias
and strengthen us to make politics a noble calling
that serves the common good of all.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

The prayers, alongside details of relevant debates in the General Synod over the last five years and what people have been saying about voting, can be read in full at: