Church Reach Out Initiative Seen as New Clergy Recommendations Increase

The year 2004 saw a total of 564 men and women be recommended to be trained as future clergy members in the Church of England – a six year high. The news brings a light to the Church which is currently trying to overcome much-publicised financial difficulties.

An increase of over 10% was seen compared to the precious year, 2003, and the new statistics are the third most successful over the past twenty years.

The recommendations in 2004 included a total of 284 men and 280 women for new training as clergy.

Statistics also showed that there were 51 selection conferences last year, which were attended by 727 candidates testing their vocations. 2005 is expected to see another 52 selection conferences take place with an increased number of candidates – 740.

Dr Gordon Kuhrt, the Director of Ministry for the Church reported, "God still calls, people respond, and the Church rejoices - it's very encouraging."

The 2004 increase was seen among the 50 year old and above category, where a huge increase in recommendations were seen; from 150 in 2003, to 210.

In response to this, the Ministry Division has announced that a young vocations initiative will take place, and include teams of clergy and ordinands in their 20s give presentations in parish churches, or Higher and Further Education chaplaincies. They will also fill stalls at university careers fairs, and give full support to drive chaplains to go about actively recruiting new young members.

The Bishop of Chelmsford, who is the Chairman of the Ministry Division said, "Attracting young people to ordained ministry is key for the Church's present and future mission and ministry. What young people may sometimes lack in terms of experience they more than make up for in terms of energy and potential."