Church says Religion Editor could help boost BBC's religious literacy

The Church of England has called upon the BBC to appoint a Religion Editor to improve religious literacy within its news and current affairs sector.

The Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester and the Church of England's chief spokesman on communications, said that the post of BBC Religion Editor could cover radio, TV and online output.

He argued that there was “no logical distinction between the genre of arts, science and business and that of religion, the landscape of which likewise demands a ‘trusted guide’ for both internal and external stakeholders”.

The response continues: “We urge the Trust and Executive to give serious consideration to this proposal; one that is intended as much for the benefit of people of no particular faith as for those of faith.”

His comments were made as part of the Church of England's submission to a consultation being held by the BBC Trust as part of its review of Radio 3, Radio 4 and Radio 7.

The submission singles out Radio 4 for praise, noting that it transmitted more than the required number of hours of religious programming.

It goes on to commend the BBC for its commitment to high quality radio that explores ethical and religious themes.

“The BBC stations under review broadcast an unparalleled range and depth of religious programming which deserves grateful acknowledgement by all those concerned with increasing mutual understanding between people of all faiths and none,” it states.

The submission praises programmes such as Daily Service, Choral Evensong, Sunday, Moral Maze and Something Understood, as well as award-winning one-off documentaries like Twin Sisters, Two Faith.

It said such programmes helped to present “an authentic portrayal of Christian worship [alongside] in-depth discussions and explorations of religious and ethical themes”.

The Church’s submission also suggests that the future for a rebranded BBC Radio 7 relies on a clear identity as an enhancement of Radio 4’s output.

“We could envisage, and we would welcome, a station that included extended interviews with key public figures, and that had more freedom to experiment with the opportunities for interaction with audiences afforded by new media," it states.

"Religious content would form a natural ingredient in a fresh station devoted to ‘going deeper’ into the nation’s psyche.”

The Church’s full submission to the BBC Trust review of BBC Radio 3, 4 and 7 can be found on the Church of England website at: