Church Urban Fund's social action network secures government funding

A pioneering network of faith-based social action organisations has been given a boost after securing government funding for the next three years.

CUF Xchange is a pioneering network of faith-based social action projects working in poor and disadvantaged communities, set up by Church Urban Fund to help share their insights on effective approaches to social action work, how best to bring in the faith element, and challenges to development.

CUF Xchange is one of a number of social action initiatives to benefit from the decision this month by the Office of the Third Sector (OTS) to extend funding for its 'strategic partners' within the sector to 2011.

The new grants will continue the long-term cooperation between government and the third sector that was established when the strategic partners first received funding in 2005.

The OTS said on its website that it "wants the concerns and priorities of the third sector [to] be clearly expressed to and heard by government".

The news has been welcomed by CUF Xchange, whose members include Church Action on Poverty, Faithworks and Shaftesbury Society.

Andy Turner, manager of Church Urban Fund Xchange, said: "This is good news for faithbased projects working in poor communities.

"It gives Church Urban Fund Xchange further opportunity to support collaboration between projects, celebrating effective work and confronting the key obstacles together. The Office of the Third Sector has a strong track record as a rigorous funder, by supporting us they set a great example to other government departments."