Church Welcomes Conservative Support for Anti-Trafficking Convention

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and Caritas-Social Action have welcomed the Conservative Party's support of the European Convention Against Trafficking.

The Conservatives surprised human rights groups earlier in the month when they told the government to sign up to a convention, which would grant victims of human trafficking the right to stay in Britain temporarily.

Bishop of Plymouth, the Rt Rev Christopher Budd, and the Bishop of Lancaster, the Rt Rev Patrick O'Donoghue, welcomed the Conservative Party's call, saying that it "recognises that at the heart of the problem is the issue of protection and reparation for its victim".

"Hundreds of women, children and men are trafficked to the UK each year into sexual exploitation and other forms of forced labour," they said. "Trafficking in human beings is a vicious crime that destroys the lives, hopes and aspirations of people. Many of its victims are women and children, often the poorest and most vulnerable members of the human family."

According to the bishops, signing the convention will benefit the UK's own anti-trafficking policy.

"We appreciate that it is possible for the UK to have a human rights based approach to combating human trafficking outside the convention. However, adherence to the convention, in concert with other countries of Europe, will strengthen the framework on anti-trafficking policy in the UK," they said.

"The phenomenon has an international dimension and can best be addressed by the joint efforts of all countries concerned. We see no convincing argument against signing the Convention."

The European Convention guarantees victims of trafficking a reflection period, or breathing space, of at least 30 days during which they can receive support to aid their recovery, including safe housing and emergency medical support.

It also guarantees temporary residence permits for trafficked people who may be in danger if they are returned to their country, or if it is necessary to assist criminal proceedings.

This year is the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade and churches across the UK will be marking the bicentenary with special services and events.

The bishops said this was "an opportune time for the UK to show that it is committed to ending this modern form of slavery".