Churches Attack 'Inhumane' Political Asylum Policies

Church leaders have launched a scathing attack on the government's asylum policy, as well as the leading opposition party's policy, and have condemned them as being 'inhumane' and 'grotesque'.

The main areas of policy that have come under heavy criticism are the detention of children, the granting of refugees access to temporary leave to remain for only five years, and the Tory party’s quota system.

Theologian, Rev Nicholas Sagovsky, as Westminster Abbey said, "The asylum process is expensive, inefficient and inhumane. It too often leaves one with a sick feeling that it has not come to the right decision."

In April, the Synod and Church will produce and publish a report entitled, ‘A Place of Refuge’, which will attempt to highlight the important role that refugees play in the British society.

The policy advisor on home affairs for the Archbishop’s Council, Rev Christopher Jones will edit the report. He said, "From any ethical point of view, we have to give a high priority to people fleeing persecution. There is a hostile climate that comes about from a combination of factors - partly ignorance and partly political manipulation."

Last week, Rev Tim Steven, the Bishop of Leicester expressed his great concerns over immigration and asylum in the House of Lords. He said, "I have a major concern around the tone of much of the debate. Most would agree there has to be an immigration policy and it has to transparent, fair and effective. But there is no doubt that the tone of some leading politicians has created insecurity among immigrant communities, affecting those who may have been here a generation or more."

Save the Children also have published a report recently that carries the aim to reveal the huge psychological, mental and physical health affects that British Detention Centres can have on children that are placed in them.