Churches Called to Support Church Army Sunday

On 30th July, the Church Army formally announced 'Church Army Sunday' which has been set for the forth Sunday of September (26th September). It aims to remind the churches and parishes about the work of the Church Army on evangelism and training across Great Britain, so that they can support and pray for it.

Now on the Church Army’s website, some preaching sermons and prayer resources are available to assist church leaders to celebrate the day. To illustrate the work of the Church Army in a more interactive way, the Church Army has created a PowerPoint Presentation, enabling the church leaders to introduce the organisation to the congregation.

The Church Army is a society of evangelists with the Anglican Communion, which works to enable people to come to a living faith in Jesus Christ. It was founded by Wilson Charlie in 1882. It has been the heart of evangelism within the established church as there are no organisations like it devoted in training evangelists and supporting outreach programmes.

Currently, there are about 350 active and about 120 retired Church Army Evangelists around the UK and Ireland and each one is closely linked with one or more local churches. Many will be called to serve on Church Councils, Deanery Synods and General Synod where there are further opportunities to be involved in discussion, decision making and implementation of relevant concerns.

In facing the declining church attendance, changing social and cultural settings nowadays, the Church Army has spearheaded its efforts into researching new ways of church planting and new expressions of Church through the Sheffield Centre it funds.

The most recent achievement is the report “Mission-shaped Church”, which was supported by the research of George Lings, the Director of the Sheffield Centre provided. It was accepted by the General Synod of the Church of England in February 2004 and has provoked a new movement in evangelism and mission throughout the UK.