Churches encouraged to ‘Get in the Picture’ this Christmas

Get in the Picture seeks to involve all kinds of people in the Christmas story by encouraging them to participate and experience being part of the nativity in a fun way.

Churches who register with ‘Get in the Picture’ will make a nativity scene with backdrop, costumes and props and seek permission to set it up in a public space like a shopping centre or market place.

|QUOTE|Members of the public will be encouraged to become one of the characters of the Christmas story and to have their photograph taken in a nativity tableau. The photograph will be available to view and download for free on the ‘Get in the Picture’ website alongside information about local church carol services, a reading of the Christmas story from the Bible and stories of what Christmas means to people today.

Get in the Picture originated in Chester last year when evangelist Chris Duffett trialled it with great success. It is now being rolled out nationally by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and endorsed by a number of Christian denominations and organisations.

The Revd Ian Bunce, Head of the Mission Department, Baptist Union of Great Britain: “Get in the Picture is a great way to engage with people during advent, giving opportunities to share our faith in a non threatening way. It is easy evangelism, re-enacting the greatest story ever told. In short, it is a cracker.”

The Rev Canon Paul Bayes, National Mission & Evangelism Adviser to the Archbishops' Council of the Church of England said: "Every Christmas the story of Jesus still echoes round England. ‘Get in the Picture’ is a simple, helpful way of taking that echo and making it real for people where you are.

"It's public, it's visual, it's creative, it's fun and it's effective. It will share good news with the people you care for. Go for it. Please."

The Rev Graham Horsley, Evangelism, Spirituality and Discipleship coordinator for the Methodist Church, said Get the Picture would help help Christians to encourage their wider communities to hear and understand the Good News of Christmas.

"Every Church should join in!” he said.