Churches press Prime Minister on climate change response

Failure to secure a strong, just and effective response to the challenge of climate change at the Copenhagen climate change conference in December would amount to a moral failure on the part of humanity as a whole, Church of England bishops have told Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

It is imperative, they say, that when the European Council meets in March it seizes the opportunity to agree a negotiating strategy capable of achieving such a response.

“The world needs to reduce its emissions of CO2 at the same time as dealing with a crisis in our debt-based economies.

"This is an opportunity for human society to build a new kind of low-carbon economy which is more fulfilling, more sustainable and more equitable,” says the Rt Rev Christopher Hill, Bishop of Guildford, writing to Mr Brown on behalf of the House of Bishops’ Europe Panel.

The bishops are urging Mr Brown to push for EU emission reduction targets that are aligned with scientific evidence to limit long-term global warming to less than two degrees Celsius.

They also want Mr Brown to negotiate an agreement in tackling poverty and inequality by helping developing counties grow economies that are not dependent on carbon fuels, and in identifying community-based action as a powerful tool for mitigation and adaptation measures.

The Church of Scotland has sent similar advice to the Prime Minister in a letter from David Lunan, the Moderator of its General Assembly and three Church leaders have added their voices to The Church of England and The Church of Scotland’s warning.

The Rev Jonathan Edwards, General Secretary of The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Rev Stephen Poxon, President of The Methodist Conference and John Marsh, Moderator of The United Reformed Church, wrote to the Prime Minister criticising the European Commission Communication of January 28 and calling for a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen.

“We believe that the recent Communication of the European Commission fails to set out clear proposals for a comprehensive, ambitious and equitable new global agreement on climate change,” said the church leaders.

“The current recession stands to impact many in our communities and we recognise that EU Heads of Governments are tempted to use the immediacy of the economic crisis to shy away from taking long-term action on climate change. We are convinced that it would be short-sighted to stimulate economic growth without simultaneously addressing deficiencies in the relationship between economy and ecology."