Churches to offer themed services on Valentine's Day

The Church of England is suggesting that its 16,000 churches hold services with a love theme on St Valentine’s Day, which this year falls on a Sunday.

A special service of celebration has been put together by National Worship Development Officer, the Rev Peter Morgan, in response to requests from parishes for liturgical resources to mark the day.

Bishop of Wakefield and chair of the Liturgical Commission, the Rt Rev Stephen Platten, said Valentine's Day falling on a Sunday provided an excellent opportunity for churches to focus on married couples in their midst.

"I'd like to encourage churches to seize the opportunity to do something special this year using these new resources to show communities their support for marriage," he said.

The liturgical resources - designed for use with either A Service of the Word or Holy Communion Order One - include greetings, calls to worship, kyrie, confession, collects and intercessions.

Recommended readings for the day include Psalm 145:1-8, I Corinthians 13, and John 15:9-17.

Rev Rhiannon Jones of Ely Diocese has previously organised services with a marriage theme. On one occasion her church held a service and celebration for people who had been married in the church in the last 20 years.

"We sent beautiful personal invitations and encouraged couples to bring friends and family. The church was almost full," she said.

"One woman iced a wedding cake for us, another brought champagne. We sang popular wedding favourites and the bell ringers came to help us celebrate.

"We gave everyone who came a chance to give thanks for their marriage in a short service surrounded by family and friends and many renewed their vows. It was a beautiful celebration.”

Valentine’s Day falls at the end of Marriage Week UK, which takes place on February 8 to 14 February 2010.

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