Churches Urge Flocks to Reject Racist Parties

Tthe Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have called on their members to reject racist parties at the forthcoming local elections and vote instead for candidates who will "contribute to the common good".

On Thursday 3 May 2007, local government elections will take place in England, while local government and Scottish Parliamentary elections will be held in Scotland, and National Assembly elections in Wales.

The BUGB, the Methodist Church and the URC have produced a briefing suggesting some questions that could be used to quiz candidates on issues such as housing, council tax, community relations, alcohol and gambling.

Anthea Cox, Methodist Coordinating Secretary for Public Life & Social Justice, says; "We would encourage everyone to take an interest in this year's elections. We hope that people will ask the questions that are important to them, think carefully about where to place their vote and hold councillors accountable for their policies and promises."

The denominations have raised particular concerns about parties that "advocate hatred and fear of racial, religious or other minorities".

Stuart Dew, URC secretary for Church and Society, says; "The right to vote is both a privilege and a responsibility. We may take different views about which political approach best reflects our Christian calling, but it is important that we do express our views by voting."

Graham Sparkes, Head of Faith and Unity for the Baptist Union of Great Britain, says; "Decisions made at local level can directly affect the communities in which we live, so how we choose to vote matters! It will help determine the priority we give to caring for the vulnerable, the way our children are educated, and how we use our public spaces. Such issues can have a tremendous impact on the quality of peoples lives."

The denominations have made it clear that the racist and intolerant policies expressed by some parties are incompatible with their understanding of God's love for all people. They have encouraged people to exercise their right to vote, and urged them to "reject parties which aim to stir up racial or religious hatred".

The Methodist Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain have also published guidelines for churches that find themselves represented by a councillor from an extremist party.

The BUGB, the Methodist Church and the URC have produced a briefing for the English local council elections, which can be found at: