Churches vandalized by graffiti artists with verses from Quran

Fox 59 video screenshot

Three local churches in Columbus, Ind., were recently vandalized by graffiti artists. The artists used black spray paint to mark up the churches with specific words and/or chapters and verses from the Qu'ran.

Police authorities are appalled and have never seen three churches vandalized in one night.

The artists wrote the words "infidels" and Qur'an 3:151 on the front and back of St. Bartholomew Catholic Church whose leader Father Doug Marcotte, says the verse speaks about "the infidels and their refuge being the fire."

Father Marcotte believes the crime took place some time between Saturday night and Sunday. Fortunately, church officials discovered the graffiti before church started and quickly cleaned up the message.

He further commented that there has been a pattern of people committing indecent acts in the name of Allah, which have been making people fearful and nervous.

Lakeview Church of Christ in Columbus suffered a similar fate having been marked with the word "infidels" and another word. East Columbus Christian Church was marked up twice with the words Qur'an 19:88 and "infidels."

City officials and church officials are not sure why the suspects chose to write the word "infidels" as well as verses from the Qu'ran. They are also unsure about why these three churches were targeted especially since they are not located in the same area.

Islamic leaders in Columbus are condemning the crimes. Nassim Khaled, a volunteer at the local Islamic center and Columbus resident met with members of East Christian Columbus Church to demonstrate unity. Fox 59 said Khaled stated, "We show our support, we actually want to come and clean this mess with our friends and neighbors of the church."

Fortunately, one of the churches had a surveillance camera, so authorities are hoping to apprehend anyone involved.