'Civilization 6: Rise and Fall' new civ news: Queen Wilhelmina's 'The Netherlands' revealed

A promotional photo for "Civilization VI" and its "Rise and Fall" expansionFacebook/civ

It is only a few months left until "Civilization 6" will be getting their big expansion in "Rise and Fall." With new civilizations (civs) to be expected to come out, another new civ has been revealed. Queen Wilhelmina and The Netherlands will finally be playable with the upcoming expansion.

The reveal for The Netherlands civ was made through an official video posted on YouTube, with Queen Wilhelmina on the wheel. The Queen's unique ability is called "Radio Oranje," which gives loyalty bonuses to other cities with routes connected to the Netherlands. It also gives a culture bonus for routes that are connected to other cities.

As for the Netherlands itself, it has the "Grote Rivieren" ability that grants bonuses to some structures including Campuses, Theater Squares, and Industrial Zones. This is provided as long as they are built near a river. Its unique upgrade is the Polder that allows the player to make a man-made floodplain on water tiles. When it comes to battle, Netherlands has the "De Zeven Provinciƫn," which is a ship with nearly 80 guns.

As the civs and the game itself is related to history, all of these abilities are not surprising. Radio Oranje came from Queen Wilhelmina's broadcasts to the Dutch renaissance during World War II. De Zeven Provinciƫn is an actual ship that became the nation's power ship during the 17th century.

Prior to the official reveal, there were already assumably leaks for this new civ. It came in the form of a television advertisement for the show "RTL Boulevard." A Reddit user was able to document the advertisement, sharing some screenshots of it in the Reddit post.

The "Rise and Fall" expansion will be released on Feb. 8, 2018. Gamers can download it through Steam for $29.99. Given the nearly two-month wait, there may be other official releases for possible new civs.