Cleveland Browns NFL 2015 news: Terrelle Pryor transitioning well from quarterback to wide receiver

Terrelle Pryor with the Seattle Seahawks in the 2014 preseason.Wikipedia

Since being claimed off waivers last June by the Cleveland Browns, Terrelle Pryor focused himself from being a quarterback to a wide receiver and has been doing well transitioning in training camp. 

Following the Brown's practice last Tuesday, Pryor said he "absolutely" feels like a receiver and everything is going well as he learns something new each day, according to ESPN. 

"It's a process. I can't say I'm already there because I'm not. I'd be lying. I think it's a process," Pryor said about playing as a wide receiver. 

Along with his usual workout, ESPN reported that Pryor is having extra work with defensive backs Joe Haden or Tramon Williams practicing how to avoid press coverage. 

"For me not to take advantage of that situation would be very stupid. We go maybe 5-10 minutes. We may get five to 10 reps, but that matters. That's a big deal to go against him and him teaching me," Pryor stated. 

The report added that the 26-year-old is also working on his catches, specifically one-handed catches with a machine. 

But Pryor is being bothered by a hamstring woe that prevented him from finishing last Tuesday's practice as he said it felt tight and was also the reason he missed Wednesday's practice. 

The same issue with his hamstring will also likely hinder him from participating in the Browns' intersquad scrimmage at The Horseshoe at Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. 

When asked about Pryor's status of playing this Friday, Browns head coach Mike Pettine said he is uncertain if the former Buckeye will miss the game but also said "I'd probably lean toward the doubtful side."

Pettine did not say if injured players will join them in Columbus; but if Pryor comes, it would be the first time he returns to the university since getting banned in 2011 and would also be the first time for the Browns to him in action as a wide receiver.