Clown terrorizes town [VIDEO]: "It's like watching a horror movie," says unidentified clown

Spot Northampton's Clown/Facebook

A creepy clown has been  terrorizing residents at a town in Northampton, England.

An unidentified person, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been dressing up as a clown and scaring neighbors in the area, prompting a Facebook page to launch so residents can discuss sightings of the clown.

Residents of the town are baffled as to why a person would dress up as a clown and walk around town. By the looks of the photos posted by locals, the clown has a pasty white face with dark eyebrows, and a curly red wig.

The clown reportedly first appeared on Friday, September 13, 2013.

A "Spot Northampton's Clown" Facebook page already has over 130,000 likes at time of writing.

The Northampton Chronicle released an exclusive interview with the mysterious clown this morning.

In the interview, the clown stated that he wants to remain anonymous, saying, "I just wanted to amuse people. Most people enjoy being a bit freaked out and then they can laugh about it afterwards. It's like watching a horror movie, when people get scared they usually start laughing. Naturally, some people would have been extremely frightened by what they saw, but I hope many are starting to see it as a bit of harmless fun."

The unidentified clown also said he is a fan of Stephen King and that he will continue to appear throughout the town as long as the public interest in him continues.

However, with thousands of people interested in who the mysterious clown may be, his identity may no longer be kept secret any longer.