CM Punk, AJ Lee update: WWE pulls CM Punk merchandise

AJ Lee/Wikimedia Commons

Wrestling couple CM Punk and AJ Lee are busy doing different things. Lee is focused on her WWE career, while Punk is busy with other things.

So, what about CM Punk? Punk will definitely not be coming back to the WWE anytime soon. He has even deactivated his Twitter account so that his fans won't get any updates about what he is doing. But what's making rounds is Punk's legal representatives, who are claiming for royalties from the game WWE 2K15.

Wrestling Observer reported that Punk's camp had a 22-page letter sent to WWE regarding the royalties for being part of the game. But rumor has it that WWE won't give in to Punk's claims as they are already allegedly pulling out his merchandise in the WWE Shop as well as removing him from the game. There's a possibility that the release of the game WWE 2K15 might be delayed because of this.